
  • Market Penetration Advisory
    • Market Penetration Advisory is an advisory service that drives the revenue boosting of your existing products in an existing market. We have the know-how and the tools to do so.
  • New Product Development Advisory
    • New Product Development Advisory suggests a vital service for your business, since it results in better customer satisfaction, increasing revenues and lowers your business risk. We are skilled in examining your customers’ needs and wishes, we know what your customers value at the most. This is where we best advice on which products / services your firm should invest.
  • New Market Development Advisory
    • New Market Development Advisory suggests a crucial service for your company. As soon as your firm encounters a great deal of rivalry and market saturation, it is our job to propose you expansion in new markets.
  • Diversification Advisory
    • Do you encounter intensified competition combined with continuous decreased total industry sales? If this is the case, you need to diversify your Business Unit portfolio. We would be glad to advice you on the potential industries, products/ services that your company could profitably deliver to your customers.
  • Turnaround Advisory
    • Does your firm encounters financial difficulties and needs to be refocused and re-planned? We strongly propose Business Process Reengineering and/or Product Elimination and/or rebranding. Furthermore, debt restructuring would be the best case for your firm.
  • Mergers and Acquisitions’ Advisory
    • Do you need to expand in new or existing markets and products? Do you consider to merge or to proceed to an acquisition of a smaller company in order to do so? We know how to do it properly and profitably.