
  • Strategy Advisory in a certain SBU
    • A company without a solid Business Plan cannot be seriously considered as a modern one. Firms without a SMART Business Plan gain limited access to funds like Bank loans, Venture Capitals and others. Besides, you need to know your competitors, your customers as well as your own firm in order to gain a sustainable competitive advantage. This is the real reason you should consider Manshall as a basic advisory provider. WE ARE CAPABLE OF PROVIDING YOU ADVISORY THAT WILL LEAD YOUR BUSINESS TO A SUSTAINABLE COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE.
  • Strategy Advisory for debt restructuring
    • A company without a solid Business Plan cannot be seriously considered as an eligible one for debt restructuring. Most of the firms facing financial problems need to rationalize their financial costs, in order to gain access to working capitals and stocks. We know well the process and the mechanisms required to prepare the best folder for your case.
  • Strategy implementation Advisory
    • Planning and controlling are vital management functions. While planning is easier to be performed, most of the firms fail to measure their performance. This service enables your firm to track the implementation of its strategy. MANSHALL HELPS YOU TO DESIGN AND IMPLEMENT BOTH AN INTEGRATED AND A SOPHISTICATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TO ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS.
  • Brand & Product Management Advisory
    • Do you know your customer? how do customers perceive your brand? How do you position your brand? In case there is a critical gap, you should either perform a rebranding or change the marketing strategy itself. MANSHALL IS SKILED TO HELP YOUR BRAND GAIN A STRONG, UNIQUE AND AN EXCLUSIVE IMAGE.
  • Place Advisory
    • Do you know your customer? What is the buying behaviour of your customer? What are the ideal sales channels for him/her? Place advisory helps you to unveil customer behaviour related to sales channels in order for your firm to make decisions on its sales network. A Marketing Plan about an existing or a new Distribution Channel is the tool to do so.
  • Pricing Advisory
    • Pricing Advisory is an imperative tool for your company, since it helps it neither to devaluate nor to overprice. WE PROPOSE CASE SENSITIVE PRICING STRATEGIES like competitive pricing, value pricing, psychological pricing and cost based pricing. A Pricing Plan is the tool to make the decision.
  • Marketing Communications Advisory
    • Marketing Communications are vital in order to communicate the value proposition of your brand. We help you to make decisions upon the best value for money and effective vehicles to get the maximum reach of your target group.
  • Sales Advisory
    • What is the Unique Sales Proposition of your brand? How does your sales-force support it? What are the most effective sales incentives? We help you to answer these questions and boost your sales and Sales Plan is the tool.
  • Operations’ Advisory
    • We track functional problems that lower your firm’s performance. Some of our tools include BPR, Service Blueprinting, Added Value Chain Analysis and Fishbone Analysis. Operations’ plan is the guide map to achieve operations’ excellence.
  • IT Advisory
    • We know which IT tactics pay-off. IT advisory will lead your firm to the net era and IT plan is the tool.
  • Fund & Corporate Advisory
    • We can help your firm to make the best financial decisions and gain access to the best funds in terms of capital cost minimization. Financial Benchmarking, Industry’s Financial Analysis, Investments’ Assessment and Inventory Analysis are the basic tools to do so.